Monday, July 20, 2009

IST 511 Reflection Day 1

Today was are first day of IST 511 - the gateway course here at Syracuse University in the Masters of Science, Library Information Science (MSLIS) program. It was slow to start (text-heavy slides and familiar content) but picked up around the lunch hour.

We had two guest speakers who represented the public library rhelm of librarianship. Their perspectives and insights rekindled my passion. I eagerly noted their advice on future employment, innovation, and managerial requirements. While I admire their pluck, I'm not sure the public venue is for me. I'm mulling over the social service side of public it uncertain adventure or adventure for certain? Time will tell.

I find Scott Nicholson to be (a) extremely entertaining and, (b) an overflowing "information container". His searching presentation was top notch. The concepts of surrogates indexed from the database's perspective and inverted indexes is enlightening. I was hoping he might share more insight on the algorithums - but hey - he can't teach us everything at once. Now, 6 hours later, my mind is still racing from all I've learned and applied in the interim. The searching assignment was a tester. Even though I was punchy I was determined to find those puppies.

Until tomorrow...Spring,


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